Update from Hoya leadership regarding COVID-19


Dear Valued HOYA Customer,

During this time of Global crisis due to COVID-19, we wish you, your family and staff health and good spirits.

Providing eyesight through spectacle lenses is important to our society. At HOYA, we will balance that responsibility and ensure the health and safety of our employees and customers as a top priority.

Currently, our laboratories and Customer Service remain open while our sales teams are making ‘virtual contact’ with our customers. All orders are being processed under strict CDC guidelines. In addition, HOYA has established a global Crisis Management Team and will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely.

If you plan on closing, please notify your local customer service representative so we can make arrangements for any outstanding deliveries. This is critical to avoid any lost frames or lenses.

As Ally of the ECP we are working on tools that you can use to bounce back quickly. Please keep reading Your Hoya Minute emails and our social channels for advice on how to stay connected to your patients and to bring them back when the time is right.

Lastly, we are strong as a society and will get through this together. Eventually this too shall pass and we will be stronger than ever.

Kind regards,
Eduardo Martins
Hoya Vision Care, US