Your greatest problem is probably time. Taking care of business! How should you squeeze in that social media thing as well? It feels impossible until you have seen the business benefits with it. But, you can’t see the benefits until you do it. It is a true catch 22-situation, right?
Let’s assume there is a business benefit with social media. Then there is a reason for you to get started. It will allow you to interact with potential customers at any time regardless where you are. Keep in mind that many purchase decisions are taken after 8 pm. Here are a few steps to start with:
1. Start with your personal profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Make it clear who you are and what you know.
2. Create your company pages in the most used social media channels.
Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, WeChat, are among these.
3. Create great content.
Remember that your network want what is relevant to them and not to you. Solutions to problems, tips and ideas on eye care, fashion trends, product news, education, are all areas where you will succeed.
4. Be responsive.
Respond to comments as quickly as possible. Do not erase negative comments since answering these are probably your best way to show that you really care. It will build trust.
5. Use other experts.
Follow the experts in social media channels and share their news, comments, or information if applicable to your audience. It is a good way to build your network and gain trust.
6. Do not overdo the promotions.
Of course, you can run a campaign now and then but remember that this is what you want and if you do it too often your audience will leave you. No one wants to be spammed.
7. Ask your customers.
Use your existing customers that visit your store as a knowledge base for your social media activation. Simply ask them which channels they use and what they would like to see from you. This also promotes your activities and shows that you care.
8. Stay active.
Once you have started you must be active. Followers will drop off if they notice that you are inactive long periods of time. It is better to be active in few social media channels than inactive in many. Start small and expand as you see the benefits. In the long run, social media channels might even become your best channel for customer care. Be where your customers are.
Good luck!